Vapor intrusion is the migration of contaminated volatile compounds from contaminated soil or groundwater through the soil into buildings or structures. The migration of these contaminants into homes and businesses can be a risk to human health.
The US EPA has created guidance for investigation, risk assessment, and mitigation which the states are adopting or modifying to meet their own programs. In the Midwest, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois have created prescriptive guidance on the investigation and cleanup of vapor.

Landmark conducts soil vapor investigations for future buildings, existing buildings, and civil works projects including utilities and transit. Landmark has provided sub-slab vapor mitigation systems for existing buildings as well as active and passive venting for new construction. In addition, Landmark has assisted with vapor mitigation in utility corridors including pipe wrap, trench dams, and works with construction companies to identify proper chemical resistant pipe material. See Landmark’s project examples for details of our work.
For additional information on vapor intrusion, visit the US EPA’s website. The MPCA, WI DNR, IEPA, and MDEQ vapor intrusion websites are below: