St. Paul, Minnesota
The 2.5-acre property is located in a high-density urban neighborhood of mixed single- and multi-family residential and commercial land uses in St. Paul. Historical commercial uses in the neighborhood including a wood yard, tin shop, feed houses, three drycleaners with multiple underground storage tanks, and a filling station resulted in hazardous substances and petroleum impacts to soil and soil vapor, and significant demolition debris in the fill material.
TCHDC renovated and redeveloped the complex for continued multi-family residential use. In order to understand the environmental impacts, Landmark prepared a Phase I ESA and conducted multiple soil, groundwater and soil vapor investigations in order to determine all environmental exposure scenarios so that the most effective remedial actions could be implemented. After earthwork activities were completed and contaminated soil was removed, Landmark designed and oversaw the installation of vapor mitigation systems in each of the six property buildings. All of the work was completed with MPCA approvals and Landmark helped TCHDC apply to the Drycleaner Fund for reimbursement of $200,000 in project cleanup costs.