Fridley, Minnesota
Landmark’s Client has operated a precision machining and metal fabrication manufacturing facility in Fridley since 1959. Since the early 1980s, our Client has been working with the MPCA to investigate and cleanup volatile organic compounds in soil, groundwater and soil vapor and the site was added to the EPA National Priorities List in 1986. Since this time, a pump-and-treat system has been operating to capture and clean up groundwater at the facility.
More recent response actions conducted by Landmark have involved soil excavation of impacted soil within the source area, in-situ and ex-situ chemical remediation of soil with Fenton’s Reagent, and the installation of an SVE system to remediate VOC-impacted soil that was either inaccessible or located beneath the facility building. Landmark and our Client continue to work with the EPA and the MPCA, and have conducted an extensive amount of soil, soil vapor and groundwater sampling under an approved Remedial Investigation Work Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan, toward a Feasibility Study and additional Response Actions.