Rochester, Minnesota
Landmark assisted the City of Rochester with environmental issues related to the eight-story, 123,000-square-foot Minnesota BioBusiness Center, located in downtown Rochester near the Mayo Clinic and Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics. Rochester received a DEED contamination cleanup grant of $769,974 to clean up the 0.33-acre property, which had been significantly impacted by a former dry-cleaner and other commercial entities. Landmark also assisted the City with applying to the Drycleaners Fund for reimbursement of approximately $1,000,000 in cleanup cost.
The complex project is an MPCA Cleanup Success Story which included the removal of a petroleum tank, remediation of soil contaminated with dry cleaning solvents including disposal of hazardous waste, installation of a vapor barrier and active venting system beneath the building, and construction of a dual-phase groundwater and soil vapor extraction system to remove contamination from the underlying fractured bedrock. Bioremediation was also implemented to remediate residual groundwater contamination within the fractured bedrock. All of the environmental work was conducted with the approval of the MPCA Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program.