Long Lake and Orono, Minnesota
Landmark and Gale-Tec have worked together for years to provide cost effective solutions with environmental and geotechnical engineering issues. For example, the Landmark-Gale-Tec team worked on Hennepin County’s CSAH 112 Phase 3 corridor design project from Willow Drive to CSAH 6. While combining the environmental and geotechnical investigation, and working closely with Hennepin County’s internal environmental and public works design team, Landmark conducted the Corridor Phase I Environmental Assessment and identified a total of 19 medium and high priority recognized sites such as a former dump, leaking underground storage tank sites, gas stations and industrial properties. The first round of investigation reported only minimal soil contamination and a supplementation investigation will follow to evaluate soil vapor and groundwater. The geotechnical investigation provided recommendations on road construction and pond infiltration rates, as well as construction considerations including vibrations, groundwater control, and roadway embankment encroachment into wetland areas.